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Fellows of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology


ISPE has created a special elected category of membership for its outstanding leadership. Fellowship status is awarded upon election as Fellow by the Board on the recommendation of a committee of peers (the Fellowship & Awards Committee). Elected members are designated 'ISPE Fellows' (FISPE). Consideration for election to Fellowship is open to those members who are recognized as having leadership roles in pharmacoepidemiology and who are held in high professional standing.


Benefits of Fellowship

Upon achievement of Fellow status, Fellows are entitled to:

  • Refer to themselves in public statements, documents, and resumes as "Fellow of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology" and add the letters FISPE after other credentials;
  • Receive appropriate recognition on ISPE correspondence, membership lists, and attendance lists;
  • Be provided with appropriate recognition at all ISPE meetings via nametags with identifying ribbons; and,
  • From time to time be eligible to receive other special awards and recognitions reserved for ISPE Fellows.


Criteria for Fellowship

Fellows must meet or exceed all of the following:

  • Seniority: at least five (5) consecutive years of non-student membership; candidates are permitted to backpay dues to complete missing years.
  • *Scholarship: show evidence of substantial scholarship as reflected in the quality and impact of publications.
  • **Service to ISPE: substantial, active and leadership roles in ISPE, such as board member, chair or co-chair of a committee, regional interest group, task-force, working group, or special interest group, participation in ISPE educational activities (mid-year or annual meetings, global development activities as speaker or course instructor). Please identify relevant roles at ISPE in the past years.
  • Leadership: evidence of leadership in the discipline of pharmacoepidemiology.
  • Member in good standing of ISPE, including being current in dues payment.

*The review committee will take into account any restriction on publication due to the nature of a candidate's employment when assessing the evidence for scholarship.
**It is essential that you clearly, and in great detail, explain your contributions to the Society. Your response to this section must identify any and all volunteer/leadership positions you've held in the organization and when you served and in what capacity. Please assume that the review committee will not be aware of your contributions to the organization. Examples of service may include committee/RIG/SIG/chapter chair/member, abstract reviewer, course faculty, mentor, etc.


Selection Process

  • Completion of an application form, by the announced deadline, to validate fulfillment of above criteria for Fellowship.
  • Submission of recommendation letters by two current ISPE Fellows designated by the candidate (see below).
  • Review of and recommendation of nomination by the Fellowship & Awards Committee comprised entirely of elected Fellows.
  • Discretionary election by a majority of the Board.


The Fellowship and Awards Committee will consider all completed applications received and submits its recommendations to the ISPE Board of Directors for consideration at the Board’s April meeting. Applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision thereafter. All applications approved for FISPE status will be inducted at the next Annual Meeting.


Documents required

The application process is organized only online (link at the top of this page) and applications are not accepted by other means. Only recommendation letters through this online form will be accepted. Please have your CV ready for upload when you start your application.